Some wonderful songs that mean a lot to me divided up into two groups.
Always and Forever:
My Life for Hire - A Day to Remember, The Downfall of us All - A Day to Remember, If It Means Alot To You - A Day to Remember, Shade - Silverchair, Suicidal Dream - Silverchair, Auto Pilot - Queens of the Stone Age, In the Fade - Queens of the Stone Age, Something - Escape the Fate, Ashley - Escape the Fate (This song reminds me so much of the boarding house. I was in love with Escape the Fate at that point. And every time i listen to this song i get the feeling i got when i was living at the boarding house. Freedom bound by boredom and mundanity. And a sense of helplessness and constant gloom.), A Wolf at the Door - Radiohead (Dev showed this to me one day and i really enjoyed it. ), Creep - Radiohead (A boy i know in high school played this song on the common room speakers for me. I dont think i will ever know if he meant anything intentionally. Matt likes this song too. ), Faithless, the Wonder Boy - Radiohead, My Iron Lung - Radiohead, Fake Plastic Trees - Radiohead, Stick Stickly - Attack Attack!, My Only - Goodnight Nurse, Death Goes to Disco - Goodnight Nurse (I first heard this on schoolies at phillip island when some friends played it. Its so catchy (L). ), Forfeiture - House vs Hurricane (The epic techno win at the end is epic. ), Ohio is for Lovers - Hawthorne Heights (This used to be my alarm and i would wake up to the guitar intro every morning. ), Valentines Day - Marilyn Manson, Misery Business - Paramore(I dont like many Paramore songs purely because of the fact that they became popular due to Twilight. But this is catchy haha. ), Something About Us - Daft Punk, Memory - Sugarcult.
Etc and some others i probably forgot.
Recently Exciting:
May Acoustic - Show Me the Skyline, Lighting the Sky - Lights Out Dancing, The Deep End - Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Holding On - Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Star Crossed - Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Red Dress - Lovehatehero, Taken Away - Digitalism, IDGAF - Breathe Carolina, Come Home - Eyes Set to Kill, Watch Me Bleed - Scary Kids Scaring Kids.
Etc and probably alot more that i havent given the chance yet.