Sorry for the lack of activity lately... ive got exams in a week :( Asdfasdfadsf.
On a brighter note, i have thought of things i will be posting up once exams are out of the way and i have more time.
Ill be putting a few outfit posts with the new items i managed to score from the Chadstone VIP night :D. I also got a few pieces to go with some of the vintage items in my mothers closet, which ill also post.
I did mention i had some hair tutorials coming up. Which i do, but theyre quite lazy effort ones, so im working on one that is more detailed using lots of french braids. I got inspired by Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With the Wind :) Unfortunately my hair isnt as thick as hers, so it wont be as thick and puffed up.
I also have a few photoshoot ideas:
- getting a trampoline, and getting a friend to jump on it in a flowy dress, against a blue sky.
- photographing one person extensively, close ups or everything, using 200-300 shots, and collage it in black and white.
- the whimsical shoot i already have planned with monica. Parasols, giant lollipops, trying to think of other random props. Also, its getting cold so im not sure how willing she will be to model in summer frocks. But ive gotten really interested in the idea of soaking the models in water, or the sea, and modeling in wet clothes and hair.... It might sound weird, but it creates the most interesting texture, combined with a great model makes a really unique photograph!
Ive been thinking about doing a little bit of filmography, and have some ideas for a short experimental film id like to do over the holidays. But so far i only have ideas, and my main concern is that i find the correct actress... Once i do, and get those shots filmed, itll be easy to put the rest together.
I dont know why this post doesnt have a photo. I did try to upload one, but the server wasnt working :(. Ill add one later.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Some mpc folk and i went to the city last night, to saw bye to dan before he left. Photos from last night.
As you probably have already guessed, none are edited. Straight from the camera.
Music note lights from slow shutter.
This was at Caulfield train station.
Pool balls
I am very very very terrible at pool. Words cannot adequately describe how terrible. I was all sorts of fail.
Pearl was awesome at pool....
Pearl getting her pro pool skills on.
Ball in motion.
More of Pearl.
Taken with a Carl Zeiss manual lens.
For readers interested in my hair tutorials, ill be putting up another variation of the vintage low updo
soon. (A more lazy effort one for reducing time spent on hair)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Vintage low french braide bun
This is gossip girl inspired! With the big satin bow headband :)
This only takes about 10 minutes if youve done it before. Lately, ive been wearing my hair up all the time. It looks classy and neat, as an updo, and then later when i take it out, its all messy and curly! I am using a technique similar to pin curls.
Need: comb, headband, about 15 bobby pins depending on how thick your hair is.
1. Puff up the top of your hair by using a comb to comb backwards. (I haven't done this here)
2. Separate a section on either side of your head for later.
3. Loosely french braid main middle section, and twist the bottom into a loose bun.
4. Flatten the loops and pin with bobby pins.
5. Put headband on.
6. Twist strands on either side of your face, away from face, curl around finger, and pin loops into side of main bun.
7. Adjust as necessary.
8. If uneven (as mine was), pop a barrette, or something, to fill up space. (Mine is the black flower)
Sometimes i dont bother putting in the headband until last. I just wedge it underneath the twists of hair that are pulled back. Its really important that the twists go OVER the headband.
Side view. Photo credit to my sister.
I did originally finger wave my fringe. But it didnt stay.
Wear with some nice dangly earrings.
This is how ive been wearing my hair to work for the last week. I also get to wear the jewellery in the store i work at. I can always find nice dangly earrings to match. Last shift, i wore onyx and marcasite vintage drop earrings. We're allowed to wear them because often they look better worn, than in the glass cabinets!
Just a note: once you take this hairstyle out, your hair will be curly and messy, and only needs minor adjusting before its ready to wear out again!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Nonsense post
For some reason i have 40 pageveiws today, as opposed to the regular 10 or so. What the?
For whoever is out there reading... Here is a photo of me eating macaroon crumbs <3 Om nom.
I will be doing a model photoshoot with a friend called Monica in the coming weeks. We're planning a whimsical shoot. Dresses, parasols, the lot. Also, ill be putting up the stuff ive doodled on sketchbook pro, once ive created something that doesnt make me cringe when i look at it with a fresh perspective.
New stuff and old stuff
Ive wanted some sort of satchel for ages, preferably in a wacky colour like bright red, or light green, pale blue, or burgundy, and have been hunting for couple months now. Saw this one that was the closest resemblance to what i wanted (at a good price), and snapped it up.
Didnt realise how many bow headbands i have. This is just a few of them (I got two new ones the other day). I only realised the silly amount of bows i have because of the mpc guys' weird fascination (they took several photos) in my red bow headband on saturday. I actually only bought it to match my red tights.
On another note, i will just mention that the 2 hour episode of Castle last night was epic. So was the latest episode of Gossip Girl.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Vanity post

Innocently collecting the crunchy leaves so i could crunch them all in one go. And this happens. A million cameras in my face, so they can all capture my childish behaviour :S Thats me on the far right. Photo: Mani
Hosier & Rutgier graffiti lanes. Sitting on a hobo crate. Photo: Rostislav
Wore the red tights so that people could identify me at Flinders St. Worked wonderfully. No one had any problems finding me. Hopefully i pulled off the bright red. I copied Blair from Gossip Girl as inspiration. I think they would have looked better if i had nicer legs.
Leaf magic. Photo: Josh
Saturday, May 7, 2011
City gardens
Mpc people headed into the royal botanical gardens to snap some photos today. Here are some of my pics.
None have been edited/retouched. (Not even colour corrected). Straight from the camera!
Lovely autumn colours :) My first few photos came out really dull and grey toned. So i stole a filter off Eric and it really made a difference.
Had a mini model shoot. Model: Queenie
I dont know how i feel about the colour here.
Aln all by himself.
Me taken by Mani, a new mpc member! I wore red tights, high waisted shorts, brown jumper, with white top (underneath) and pussy bow (in front), and the grey $1 cardi i got last week! Also got a new red bow headband to match... which got photographed a few times :S
Dan and Ros
Heart shaped leaves! Epic loveliness :)
Ros in Hosier and Rutgier graffiti lanes.
I love my new polarising filter from Eric. Thanks bud! This is what my photos were like before. Really grey and dull and washed out. Probably because it was such an overcast day and the lighting was poor/minimal.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Heres me sketching on my new iPad 2, with a capacative touchscreen stylus i made by wrapping a pencil in aluminium foil! App is Sketchbook Pro $9.99
I can only draw girls...
Stylus up close. Cut off the end of a pencil, on a tapered angle. Smooth it off, and wrap the whole thing in aluminium foil. A capacative touchscreen works by detecting the static electric from the fingers/body. Aluminium is a conductive material. So the electrical impulses run from your hand, to the end of the pencil where the foil meets the touchscreen!
After work at Chadstone, i picked up more macaroons from the Lindt cafe.
YUM. All those sprinkles on the top are crushed candy.
My attempt at food photography.
The almond meringue shells are often hollow! Which is why they crush so easily. Just eaten $10 worth of macaroons. Expensive little devils whom i hate/love.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Todays new items :)
Canon 70-200mm. Not mine. Loaned to me by a friend for this weeks photoshoot! Not sure if it will go ahead though, due to poor weather and my camera not being weather resistant.
A floral blazer jacket that my mum bought online, which i stole from her closet. I probably wouldnt wear something like this out of the house. But i thought it was a nice addition to my 'mums clothes' collection.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Most people who know me, know just how much i love french macarons (in english, macaroons, not to be confused with the coconut macaroon). I was introduced to these last year.
Theyre made of almond meringue biscuits with butter cream on the inside. My favourite macaroons are the strawberry ones from the Lindt cafe.
These buggers are really pricey though. $2.70 each take away, and $3.50 dine in.
Strawberry macaroon i got from the Lindt cafe at Chadstone. I ate the rest of them.
The buttercream is very sweet. Dont eat if you dont like sweet stuff.
They crush so easily. I bought four (cost me $10.80!!!!) And some were cracked from just being placed on the counter. So i ate the damaged ones and saved this one. You only have to bite down halfway before the whole thing is in pieces. Yum though :)
The smart thing to do would be to make my own macaroons. But talk to anyone who has cooked them and youll realise why theyre so expensive. Theyre devilishly tricky to make. Even very experienced cooks dont get them correct even after a few tries. Very temperamental and sensitive. So i have no chance of making decent macaroons seeing as i cant even cook a pancake properly (why do they bubble??). I will attempt one day.
Today i went op shopping for cheap clothes. There was barely anything in my size. And most of the clothes were really old... But here are some of the steals i got.
Usually when im op shopping, i try to get brands that i know. Modern stuff. I dont usually buy clothes that i havent heard of because im not sure how itll turn out. However, a chick i met at mpc, called connie/kani has a vintage blog where she mainly works with vintage pieces! How inspiring! I love her style, but i prefer to do it with modern pieces.
Bardot dress for $5. Maxi halter. MY SIZE! I have no idea when im going to wear this. Its a bit too long so ill have to take it up.
It looks like an empire waistline, but when i tried it on, it sat about 2 inches lower. Its exposes the entire bare back. Itll be cold to wear on its own :S.
$1 David Lawrence cardi.
$5 Cue silk/chiffon top.
$3 Portmans chiffon top.
$5 Old silf scarf.
$3 Review silk/chiffon vest.
Some random wool checkered shirt $5.
Glassons silk/chiffon top $5.
As you can tell im really into these silk/chiffon shirts/tops!
Next on my wish list is: a marilyn pleated, high waisted chiffon skirt.