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Friday, May 6, 2011


Heres me sketching on my new iPad 2, with a capacative touchscreen stylus i made by wrapping a pencil in aluminium foil! App is Sketchbook Pro $9.99

I can only draw girls...
 Stylus up close. Cut off the end of a pencil, on a tapered angle. Smooth it off, and wrap the whole thing in aluminium foil. A capacative touchscreen works by detecting the static electric from the fingers/body. Aluminium is a conductive material. So the electrical impulses run from your hand, to the end of the pencil where the foil meets the touchscreen!

After work at Chadstone, i picked up more macaroons from the Lindt cafe. 
YUM. All those sprinkles on the top are crushed candy. 
My attempt at food photography. 
The almond meringue shells are often hollow! Which is why they crush so easily. Just eaten $10 worth of macaroons. Expensive little devils whom i hate/love.