Blogger templates

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Some mpc folk and i went to the city last night, to saw bye to dan before he left. Photos from last night. 
As you probably have already guessed, none are edited. Straight from the camera. 
 Music note lights from slow shutter. 
 This was at Caulfield train station. 
 Pool balls
 I am very very very terrible at pool. Words cannot adequately describe how terrible. I was all sorts of fail. 
 Pearl was awesome at pool....
 Pearl getting her pro pool skills on. 

 Ball in motion. 
More of Pearl. 
Taken with a Carl Zeiss manual lens. 

For readers interested in my hair tutorials, ill be putting up another variation of the vintage low updo
soon. (A more lazy effort one for reducing time spent on hair)


Tanya said...

Can't wait for the hair tutorial, though something tells me i'll need extensions to pull that off :)