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Monday, July 18, 2011


 Talia is super pretty and photogenic. She looks like a cross between Audrey Hepburn (when shes serious) and Rachel McAdams (when shes smiling). Thats gotta be like... the best combination ever. 
As per usual, i did her hair. It was originally short and straight, but i curled the back, and pinned it under, and then worked on a boofy, curly fringe. 
No one pulls off red liptstick like Talia does. It looks so good on her. 
Shes also a ballet dancer. Which is awesome. I love photographing dancers because they have great knowledge of their body angles. As well as all their graceful movements as they pose, which makes me feel like a total klutz with my chunky camera, tripping over studio wires and equipment, walking into umbrellas and accidentally poking holes in the backdrop.