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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Today i went op shopping for cheap clothes. There was barely anything in my size. And most of the clothes were really old... But here are some of the steals i got. 

Usually when im op shopping, i try to get brands that i know. Modern stuff. I dont usually buy clothes that i havent heard of because im not sure how itll turn out. However, a chick i met at mpc, called connie/kani has a vintage blog where she mainly works with vintage pieces! How inspiring! I love her style, but i prefer to do it with modern pieces.  

Bardot dress for $5. Maxi halter. MY SIZE! I have no idea when im going to wear this. Its a bit too long so ill have to take it up. 
It looks like an empire waistline, but when i tried it on, it sat about 2 inches lower. Its exposes the entire bare back. Itll be cold to wear on its own :S.

$1 David Lawrence cardi. 

$5 Cue silk/chiffon top. 

$3 Portmans chiffon top. 

$5 Old silf scarf. 

$3 Review silk/chiffon vest. 

Some random wool checkered shirt $5.  

Glassons silk/chiffon top $5. 

As you can tell im really into these silk/chiffon shirts/tops! 
Next on my wish list is: a marilyn pleated, high waisted chiffon skirt.