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Monday, May 9, 2011

New stuff and old stuff

Ive wanted some sort of satchel for ages, preferably in a wacky colour like bright red, or light green, pale blue, or burgundy, and have been hunting for couple months now. Saw this one that was the closest resemblance to what i wanted (at a good price), and snapped it up.

Didnt realise how many bow headbands i have. This is just a few of them (I got two new ones the other day). I only realised the silly amount of bows i have because of the mpc guys' weird fascination (they took several photos) in my red bow headband on saturday. I actually only bought it to match my red tights.
On another note, i will just mention that the 2 hour episode of Castle last night was epic. So was the latest episode of Gossip Girl.